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Selectmen's Minutes - February 19, 1991
February 19, 1991     Present:  William P. Dynan, Chairman
                               Judith A. Murdoch
                               Pamela A. Fasci
                               Mark A. Vess
                               Robert M. Crowley

Board held lengthy discussion regarding the Hanson Rod & Club holding Sunday shootings prior to noon time.  Mr. Vess moved, 2nd Fasci (for discussion) to allow shooting to begin on May 19 and September 29 at 10:00 a.m.  Voted 1-4 (Vess in favor).  On 2nd motion made by Murdoch, 2nd by Crowley to allow shooting on those dates 12 noon to sunset vote was 4-0-1 (Mr. Vess abstaining).  Third vote taken to approve September 8, 1991 Fishing Derby on Town Hall grounds.  Mrs. Murdoch moved, 2 Crowley for hours to be from noon to sunset.  Voted 4-0-1 (Vess abstaining)

Treasurer/Collector, McCormack and Town Accountant, Gomez, gave Board monthly reports with updates on articles, budgets, collections and investments.  Board reviewed and let people know this is public record and available for review at either office.

Took up issue of Executive Assistant.  Mrs. Fasci moved, 2nd Crowley, to appoint Marion Elms as Executive Assistant, pending the March Town Meeting funding.  5-0 vote.

Board set date for information Town Meeting for Saturday, May 11 in an attempt to deal with the budgets close to Town Meeting.  This was moved by Fasci, 2nd Vess, 5-0.  Hours are to be from 1 to 4 p.m.

Board accepted resignation of Ann Budd with deep regret.  Mr. Vess moved, 2nd Murdoch to send letter of appreciation and list of accomplishments.

Board read letter from Union President Andrews establishing negotiation meeting on March 13, 1991.  Representing the Board will be Mrs.  Murdoch and Mr. Dynan - Union Representatives will be Andrews, King, Willey and Farrell.

Chief Twomey met with the Board to discuss court time, shift coverage and monthly meetings and how better to communicate in the department.  Chief told Board that Sergeant Willey will return to work on March 14.

Read letter received from Brookline re local aid.  Mr. Crowley moved, 2nd Vess to sent support letter addressing the four points raised in the letter.  Voted was 3-0-2 (Fasci and Murdoch abstaining).

Discussion held on ambulance bills as a result of previously given reports.  Mrs. Fasci would have an investigation as to the reason for 84,000 in outstanding ambulance bills.

Mr. Vess given permission to solicit business to raise funds for the Memorial Day Parade.

Mrs. Fasci moved, 2nd Crowley to enter exec. session under #3 for discussion of Fire Dept. contract.  Voted unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

William P. Dynan